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Sustainability News Lab

Webinar Comunicare și Jurnalism pentru Sustenabilitate. De la Teorie la Practică organizează miercuri, 25 octombrie 2023 webinarul Comunicare și Jurnalism pentru Sustenabilitate. De la Teorie la Practică, parte dintr-o serie de evenimente organizate în cadrul Sustainability News Lab. Acesta se adresează studenților la comunicare și jurnalism, profesioniștilor din domeniu, dar și publicului interesat de subiecte despre sustenabilitate.

În cadrul evenimentului organizat online, miercuri, 25 octombrie 2023, participanții vor dobândi o înțelegere solidă a unor teme selectate din domeniul sustenabilității, prin exemple practice din sfera operațiunilor sustenabile, economiei circulare, reciclării, și protejarea biodiversității, oferindu-le astfel o bază solidă pentru a aborda provocările sustenabilității.

Cu sprijinul Ambasadei Suediei din Bucureşti, evenimentul se va bucura de prezența unui invitat special, jurnalistul suedez Lars Tallert, Președinte al Sustainable Journalism Partnership. Cu această ocazie, participanții vor afla mai multe despre modul în care jurnalismul poate contribui mai bine la o societate durabilă. La fel și modul în care media în sine poate fi mai durabilă – din punct de vedere al mediului, social și economic. Lars Tallert este președintele Sustainable Journalism Partnership, consilier principal la Universitatea Fojo/Linnaeus și reprezentantul Suediei la Consiliul Interguvernamental IPDC al UNESCO, și are o experiență de peste 30 de ani în jurnalism, dezvoltare media și cooperare pentru dezvoltare.

Persoanele interesate să participe se pot înscrie prin completarea formularului de aici.

AGENDA WEBINARULUI, 25 octombrie, orele 10.00 - 12.00

Session 1: Welcome Introduction of speakers.

Introduction of speakers. Moderator: Nicoleta Talpes (Guerrilla Verde)

Session 2: Circular Economy – includes Q & A

Delve into the concept of circular economy, with a focus on outstanding sustainability practices exemplified by IKEA. Discover how to reduce waste, extend the lifespan of products, and foster sustainable choices. Gain insights into how circular economy principles can revolutionize the world of journalism and communication for a greener, more sustainable future.

Guest: Alex Gherasim Recovery Manager IKEA Baneasa, IKEA Romania

Session 3: Sustainable Resources of the Future: Aluminium Sustainability – includes Q & A

We will explore the environmental and economic benefits of sustainable aluminum can production, emphasizing responsible consumer practices, energy-efficient production methods, and recycling can initiatives. By the end of this presentation, you'll have a deeper understanding of how aluminum can contribute to a greener and more

sustainable future.

Guest: Adina Magsi, General Director, Alucro Association

Session 4: Circular Economy: Rethinking Resources, Rebuilding Resilience – includes Q & A

In this presentation, we will embark on a journey into the world of the circular economy, a transformative concept that challenges our traditional 'take, make, dispose' approach to resources and waste. We'll explore the principles and foundations of the circular economy, understanding how it not only mitigates environmental impacts but also offers significant economic and social opportunities.

RESPO CITY, the contest which paves the way for sustainability in the cities of the future. Bringing recycling to the center of the cities through appealing and innovative projects.

Guest: Cristian Pocol, President, RESPO DEEE Association

Session 5: How Journalism can better contribute to a sustainable society

Special Guest: Lars Tallert, President of the Sustainable Journalism Partnership

About: Lars Tallert, President of the Sustainable Journalism Partnership, will talk about how journalism can better contribute to a sustainable society. As well as how media can be more sustainable – environmentally, socially, and economically. He will also share some tips on what to think about if you want to make climate reporting that makes a difference.

Role: Lars Tallert is the President of the Sustainable Journalism Partnership, Senior advisor at Fojo/Linnaeus University and Sweden’s representative to UNESCO’s IPDC Intergovernmental Council.

Experience: Lars has more than 30 years’ experience of journalism, media development and development cooperation. His earlier assignments include advisory functions and consultancies for the Swedish Prime Minister’s Office, the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sida, The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, OECD/DAC, UN Habitat, the Regional Kurdish Government in Iraq as well as major Swedish tech companies such as Ericsson and ABB. For two years, he was stationed in Managua, Nicaragua, working at the Nicaraguan Centre for Human Rights.

Education: Lars has a Bachelor’s in Journalism and has studied Strategic Communication in a Development context at Master Level at Stockholm University. He also studied at the University of Sorbonne in France and at the School of Journalism at Boston University. Apart from journalism, Lars’ passion is music.

Personal: Apart from journalism, Lars’ passion is music. He plays any instrument he can get his hands on, and he previously worked at the Swedish Folkopera and the Stockholm Culture Centre.

Session 6: Empowering Sustainable Finance: A Path to a Greener Future

Delves into the world of sustainable finance, focusing on how conscious financial solutions are transforming businesses, governments, and communities, all while positively impacting the environment. Expect to uncover how sustainable finance aligns with global efforts to secure a better future for our planet and society.

Guest: Lee Tarone, CEO, Voy Finance

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